Here are details of the group

Scotland’s Kids Virtual Market has been set up to support the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People Edinburgh. Affectionately known as “Edinburgh Sick Kids’

When People join the Group they become part of a Community of Creators of beautiful things and Seekers of beautiful things who also have a heart for our Children and Young People who need special help while in hospital.

Members can Purchase items that are for sale if they wish but there is no obligation to do so.  Members support the Group by just being a Member. The more Members we have the more Vendors we can encourage to join the Group

Vendors will Buy a Virtual Stall on the Group and be free to Post and Sell their Wares. There is no restriction on how many items they sell or how often.  It is the proceeds received from the Purchase of Virtual Stalls that will provide the money to send to the Hospital.

We are sending the Proceeds to the Hospital via the ‘Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity’  You can read more about the charity here: Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity.   We have Permission to Fund raise in this way and have a ‘Fundraising Authorisation’ from the Charity.

Please visit Scotland’s Kids Virtual Market Group to explore more